FREE Online Workshop
Past Present Future

Step through time to find yourself in this FREE 3 day workshop.
What if Time Travel was real and you could explore events that helped create the version of you that is living today, and in process of creating the you of tomorrow?
Well it is real...and you can explore your many lifetimes through time and space with Past Life Regression to altar the events of the past and create a better today and a brighter tomorrow.
Recording available for those who can’t attend the live

Day 1 - Past - Discover
Our past lives play a deep and connected role in our lives today.
Does everyone have a past life?
YES! Our spirit bodies are as old as time itself and we have cycled through many lifetimes, not just here on this planet and dimension, but on endless others as well.
Why should I know my past lives?
Discovering your past lives can help you see the bigger picture of who you are as a whole. Think of each lifetime as a puzzle piece to a grand picture of your sacred story.
Knowing your past lives can bring clarity on your soul path and meaning of life.
Do my past lives affect me today?
YES! Just as it has been proven that our bodies contain memory DNA from our distant ancestors, it also contains the memory and experiences of our distant lifetimes. This can be both negative and positive, as we hold onto the traumas of past experiences, as well as the wisdom and gifts of those lifetimes.

Day 2 - Present - Heal
You are healing lineages and lifetimes.​
Why heal a life I am no longer living?
Past experiences and emotions can be trapped in our energy signature from both past lives and ancestral lives. These trapped experiences become the building blocks of our subconscious mind and actions. By releasing these traumas, we are able to step into healthier, happier, and more successful lives.
Will this healing only affect me?
Not only will this healing positively affect you, it will also be breaking generational and past life traumas for everyone in your lineage....past, present, and future.
How does the healing process work?
By tapping into the subconscious mind through different techniques, we can access all realms, dimensions, generations, and lifetimes of experiences. Much like accessing the Akashic Records, your own mind contains everything you and your energy signature has have ever connected with. Through this, we can bring powerful multi dimensional healing.

Become the Alchemist of your story
Discover the Past. Heal the Present. Awaken the Future.

Day 3 - Future - Awaken
You contain the love and wisdom of thousands of lives.​
How can this help me?
Whatever you are going through now...you have gone through already before. By tapping into your experiences, you can find the answers of what already worked and didn't work for your success, growth, and knowledge.
Can I really awaken old gifts and wisdom?
YES! In past lifetimes, the world was much deeper connected with their spiritual gifts and wisdom. If you were a shaman or a healer in a past life, you can reawaken those gifts in this lifetime, as they are still dormant in your energy signature.
How will this affect my future?
When you tap into ancient wisdom and your natural spiritual gifts, you step into a higher vibration of your truest form. These gifts of knowledge, healing, and power can greatly improve success in your life in endless ways, as well as ensuring healed and powerful future generations and lifetimes.

Briana, USA
"I am so blessed to have met Emma in my journey. She has helped me immensely in launching my dream career! She is very knowledgeable and informative"!
Felicia, Sweden
"Emma has a beautiful way of bringing people together and connecting on a soul level. Her intuitive and grounded approach creates safety and invites magic, connection and insight. I am very grateful for the time we have spent together and continue to learn from her kind wisdom."

Julia, USA
"This month was very illuminating. She gives you insights to go deep and tools to move you forward. More effective than years of therapy".

Karen, UK
I've believe in magick my whole life but connecting with Emma has shifted my practice into a depth I never imagined!
I am forever grateful.

Emma Elizabeth has helped thousands of people around the world with in person and online sessions, classes, and rituals. She leads weekly teachings in the Academy of Magic online group and offers transformational one on one Illumination packages to help you bring magick, empowerment, and success into lives around the world.
Emma Elizabeth comes from many generations of psychic and intuitive women and has a unique gift of connecting to past lives for deep generational healing.
She has spent a lifetime dancing between the spirit worlds, growing up in herbal magick and folklore, and studying a wide range of knowledge from teachers and shamans around the world.
Emma Elizabeth was born and raised with the name Sarah Christine but in 2022 she was guided to change it to connect deeper with her ancestors and her soul's journey.
Emma's trainings include: Herbal Medicine, Hypnotherapy, Neuro Linguistic Programming, Counseling, Reiki I, II, & III, Massage Therapy, Holistic Healing, Nutrition, Shamanic Practice, EFT Tapping, Life Coaching, and more.