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Writer's pictureEmma Elizabeth

Pick a Tarot Card

Which card is calling to you?

Left, Middle, or Right?

Choose a card then scroll down to see and read the meaning.

This beautiful deck, The Wild Unknown is one of my favorites!

On this day (13th October 2021) I was drawn to bring the deck out into the forest of North Yorkshire, England and do some readings that would help guide you into grounding for growth of your next step in this cycle of seasons and harvests.

Which card did you choose? Left, Middle, or Right?

Here they are.

Please scroll down to read their meaning.

Left: Seven of Swords

With the question first asked...what can bring you FORWARD in this new cycle of seasons/life/growth, the Seven of Swords appears. It shows us that something is begin hidden, perhaps out of guilt, trauma, or insecurities. You are already aware that by hiding, you are holding yourself back from forward growth. Be completely honest with yourself. What are you afraid to let go of, that is know is not encouraging your journey? What are you hiding or holding onto that has been holding you back?

In this new season, it is time to let go. Just as the leaves drop from the trees as we enter into a stage of rest, it is also time for you to let go of what has been holding you back and allow this new resting and healing space for yourself.

Middle: Nine of Pentacles

With the question first asked...what can bring you FORWARD in this new cycle of seasons/life/growth, the Nine of Pentacles shows us that being grounded in the red (root chakra) earth energy will bring us balance, health, and vitality.

Ask yourself, what are you doing to keep yourself grounded in this moments? Are you eating healthy, clean foods to boost your frequency? Are you keeping your body active and moving to increase your vibrations? Are you meditating enough to stay grounded, focused, and with clear vision?

This is a time to bring it all back in. To center. Take a deep breath.

Understand that resting is healing too. Sometimes we get so caught up in the constant growth of what is outside of us that we forget to heal and grow with is within us as well. This can be exhausting to the soul.

Remember that you are your #1 priority.

Right: The Sun

With the question first asked...what can bring you FORWARD in this new cycle of seasons/life/growth, The Sun reminds us that even it must rest for a time. Looking straight into the sun or running non stop with all of your endeavors can cause blindness or burn out.

This phase of our cycle reminds us that the sun does not stop shining when it rests. Just as the days get shorter and the sun is not shining on the land, it is in fact still shining in other areas. Use this time of outward shining to shine within instead.

This is a great time of enlightenment for you.

Ask yourself. What bold choice can you make for yourself right now? Do you have burn out from "over shining"? If so, how can you allow time to rest and look within?

Allow yourself to bask in the warmth of your light.

Rejuvenate your light.

Thank you

~Sarah C LaBrie

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